Knowledge centre

Emec Prisma MLQ mode

The Emec Prism is made to make dosing as easy as possible! This all-rounder is known as the most innovative Emec dosing pump to date! One of the reasons for this is the large number of 'modes'. Here, among other things, we will explain how all these 'modes' work!

How does the Emec Prisma MLQ Mode work?

With MLQ (Millilitres per qintal) mode, pulses from a water meter determine the dosing rate of the set MLQ value.
For this operating mode, you need to connect a pulsating water meter to this input. You can then configure this in the 'water meter' menu.

To enable this mode, do the following:

  • Press the encoder to turn on the pump.
  • Follow these steps:
    • Settings.
    • Advanced.
    • Working mode.
  • Under working mode, select MLQ. Here you can set the product quantity in millilitres per quintal (MLQ) to be proportionally dosed into the water. as well as the concentration.
  • Once this is complete, select 'save' and press encoder.

Return to the main screen to activate the saved working mode.